Published: September 28, 2023
By: By Sandi Schwartz
One of my favorite memories of autumn is going apple-picking with my family. I was so enthralled by all the hidden treasures hanging in the orchard. I loved tasting the different varieties of apples and deciding which was my favorite. I especially cherished the warm apple cider samples that the farm provided after we finished collecting our apples.
Even in the southeast, this time of year is the perfect opportunity to head to a local farm to pick your own produce or flowers of the season, whether it be strawberries, tomatoes or sunflowers. By taking your children on a U-pick adventure, they will learn a tremendous amount about food and the environment, and you will build family memories that will last a lifetime.
Encourage Healthy Eating
Over the past three decades, childhood obesity rates in America have tripled, with nearly one in three children currently considered overweight or obese. It is no surprise that much of this trend is due to children eating too much sugary junk food.
One of the best ways to get kids excited about eating healthier foods is to let them go out and touch and feel the fruits and vegetables for themselves. When you take your children to pick their own produce, you are exposing them to healthier options and making it fun for them to choose delicious whole foods.
The best part is that you can go home from the farm and spend quality time together in the kitchen creating tasty meals from the food you hand-picked yourselves. There are so many healthy kid-friendly recipes to discover, from smoothies to side dishes to snacks. When your children play this much of a role in gathering and preparing their food, it will have a huge impact on them and influence the food decisions they make in the future.
Spend Time Outdoors In Nature
After a hot summer, many of us look forward to the refreshing cooler air. Taking your kids to a U-pick farm is a great way to spend more time outside in nature. Between hectic schedules, safety concerns, and over-consumption of technology, children have less exposure and connection to nature. Sadly, children spending less time outdoors has been linked to decreased appreciation of our environment, health problems including childhood obesity and vitamin D deficiency, diminished use of the senses, attention difficulties, and higher rates of emotional illnesses like anxiety and depression.
By taking them on a fun outdoorsy trip, we are giving them more opportunities to explore our natural environment. Being in nature is relaxing and inspiring. The children will be in awe of the gorgeous natural scenery at the farm. It is a wonderful chance for the entire family to enjoy a few hours strolling around an orchard or farm taking in the sights, fragrances and miracles of nature.
Support Locally Grown Food
When you pick your own produce at a farm in your area, you are supporting your local community and protecting the environment. You help farmers succeed by giving them business, ensuring that there will be farms in your community in the future. You are also continuing a special connection between growers and consumers.
When it comes to environmental protection, you are playing a role in reducing the distance that food travels to reach you, saving energy and resources. Local food also preserves genetic diversity because smaller local farms often grow many different varieties and rotate their crops to provide a long harvest season. Finally, local farms typically conserve fertile soil and clean water, ensuring
a safe habitat for wildlife.
Additionally, locally grown food tastes better, is more nutritious, and stays fresh longer. It is picked at peak harvest time, transported shorter distances, and sold directly to consumers. The less time that passes between farm and table, the more nutrients remain.
Teach Your Children To Appreciate Where Food Comes From
When your children pick food with their own hands, they learn to appreciate where food comes from and the work involved in making every meal we enjoy. It also gives them a special connection to farmers that they can’t experience at the grocery store.
They have a chance to meet the actual farmers who grow the food and learn about the role they play in food production. Encourage your children to ask the farmers questions about the seasons, the land, the different produce being grown and the specific work they do daily. This also gives you a chance to talk to your children about choosing organic farms that avoid using harmful pesticides to grow crops.
Here are some additional ways to instill a deeper appreciation for where our food comes from:
• Eat mindfully with your children.
This practice allows us to become awareof the positive and nurturing opportunities that can come from preparing and eating food. Instead of shoving food into our mouths and never really thinking about it, mindful eating awakens us to an entirely new experience with food. We can take a moment to savor and truly enjoy what we are eating.
• Express gratitude for the food we have. When children have the chance to help create what they eat, they begin to understand how lucky they are to have dinner on the table each night. Take the time to express gratitude for the delicious food you have gathered.
• Give to others. Children can learn so much by making food and donating it to those in need. One idea is to make your own strawberry jam for an organization that assists those who are food insecure.