Published: January 27, 2024
By: Kimberly Blaker
Valentine’s Day is a perfect reason to show your child just how much he or she is loved. Try these creative ideas to show how much you care on Valentine’s Day and throughout the entire year.
Edible Ideas
A heart a day. Add a heart-shaped candy to your child’s lunch box every day of the school year. Be sure to stock up during after-Valentine’s Day clearance sales, so you don’t run out.
Do lunch. Pick up your child from school for a surprise lunch date. Stop at your child’s favorite fast-food restaurant, go on a picnic or have lunch together in the school cafeteria. (If you choose the latter, make sure your child won’t mind or be embarrassed.)
The Written Word
A poet and didn’t know it. You don’t have to be a poet to write a poem to your child. If poetry isn’t your thing, look up simple children’s rhymes. Then make revisions, specific for your child. Poems can be serious or fun, but either way, your child will love them.
Snail mail surprise. Kids love to get mail, so why not send your child a card, letter or postcard? Don’t forget to let your child check the mail to discover the greeting.
Scrabble greetings. Wish your child a “Happy Valentine’s Day,” congratulate him on a great report card, or show how much you appreciate your child’s help with a Scrabble message. For younger readers, spell out a simple phrase leaving a space between words. For older kids, make them figure out your greeting. Intersect the words as you would in playing Scrabble and see if they can solve the message.
C is for … Make a poster portraying your child’s characteristics. Put your child’s name at the top. Then list as many positive descriptive words as you can that begin with your child’s initial. Use a thesaurus to find oodles of words. (Example: Cassandra, cute, caring, creative, crafty, curious.)
Do It Together
A gift of time. For today’s busy parents, finding time to read to or play with your child isn’t always easy. Fortunately, quality, rather than quantity, is what matters most. Show your child you care by setting aside a few minutes each day to talk, read or play together. You’ll both reap the rewards.
A trip down memory lane. Flip through photo albums or watch family videos together, and reminisce about favorite holidays, vacations and family times you’ve had together.
Eventful gifts. Buy tickets to a concert, ice show or sporting event your kids have been dying to see. But keep it a surprise. On the day of the event, say you’re all going out for dinner. Then catch your kids by surprise when you arrive at your destination.
Make a date. Plan a regular date with your child for one-on-one time. This works well for families with more than one child. Each parent should take a turn with each child. You can go out for lunch, play putt-putt, take in a movie, or spend an afternoon at the park.
Gifts From The Heart
Engrave your thoughts. Have a necklace or bracelet engraved for your child. Be sure to include their name, your sentiments, and who it’s from.
Van Gogh in the making. Sift through your child’s art collection and select a piece to display. Then matte, frame and hang it in a room, other than your child’s, for everyone to see.
It’s in the wrapping. Don’t wait for a special occasion to give your child a gift. Kids love presents, so the next time you pick up something for your child, wrap it as a surprise.