Published: March 19, 2025
By: Dawne Richards
Recently, a friend flew in from California for a too-short visit, during which time, regrettably, I had existing commitments and couldn’t spend nearly enough time with her. She used to live nearby, but she and her family headed west several years ago. But she’s one of those friends that, even if you don’t talk in forever, the minute you do, it feels as if no time has passed.
Throughout our friendship, both of our families have faced loss and tragedy. Yet, we still find reasons to laugh and joke – often at our own expense – every time we speak. And every time we talk, I feel better. I promise to keep in touch more. To be a better friend. To not let the everyday get in the way.
But when we do talk, it’s always been far too long since the last time. Far too long since I checked in with her. Far too long since I heard her voice. Far too long since we made each other laugh. But some things don’t change: Our shared sense of humor, for one, which some might call exceedingly dark. Our trials and tribulations. The parallels of our three kids (each of us has two girls and a boy; all of them are now adults). Our confusion and occasional anger towards the universe’s sometimes cruel whims.
Our taste in — and love for — good mid-century furniture and, of course, a well-made cocktail.
Anyway, she arrived one night and walked into my house. Yes, just walked in. She texted to say she was at the door, but I didn’t see it, so she simply came in. That’s the kind of friendship we have.
Of course, she brought a gift, besides the gift of herself, which was more than enough. This is one way we differ; I’m terrible at remembering to bring a gift. She is the soul of generosity. I’m the soul of generosity in my mind, but then I forget to actually, you know, bring something. The best part is that she walked in, and I realized that something looked familiar, like, really familiar. Then it hit me — we were wearing the exact same dress!
Can you imagine? A quick search of Amazon indicates that over 50,000 women’s dresses are available on Amazon alone. Fifty-thousand!
So there we were, dressed like identical twins. It was ridiculous and fabulous and heartwarming and poignant all at once.
In a way, that’s kind of like friendship, isn’t it? Great friendships are all of those things and more. If you’re lucky enough to have that sort of friend, cherish them. The minutes turn into hours, turn into days, turn into weeks, turn into months, turn into years.
So pick up that phone. Make that call. Call that person who chooses the same dress, despite the odds being more than 50,000 to 1.
In addition to spending her time with good friends, Dawne Richards writes a monthly column for Pompano! magazine.