For many parents (and you know who you are), back-to-school time is a holiday. Of course, we’re speaking of the state’s Back-to-School Sales Tax Holiday, five days at the start of August when parents have the chance to save more than a few bucks on school supplies.
From Friday, Aug. 2, through Tuesday, Aug. 6, shoppers will not be charged tax on lots of qualifying items, including certain school supplies selling for $15 or less per item; clothing, footwear and certain accessories (such as diaper bags and backpacks) selling for $60 or less; and computers and certain accessories purchased for non-commercial or personal use and selling for $1,000 or less.
Because the tax-free periods are meant to benefit Floridians, not tourists, the exemptions don’t apply to sales made within an airport, entertainment complex or theme park. And retailers that sell few qualifying items may choose not to participate in the holiday.
For more information and to download the complete list of eligible products, visit http://floridarevenue.com/pages/default.aspx